Hyperlocal: Towards Community Places
Hyperlocal: Towards Community Places

20. 06. 2024
Kulturní a jiné Pro studenty a začátečníkyPro zkušené kreativce a studia

June 20, 2024, 6:00 PM at KUMST Brno 

What was the role and strength of community groups and non-profit organizations operating in New York City in the 1970s? During times of economic instability and social unrest. What is the cooperation between the city and civic associations like today in terms of public space care, support for local activities, or affordable housing? The lecture Hyperlocal – Towards Community Places will focus on transferring experiences from participatory planning in New York. Experts from the School of Architecture GCPE at Pratt Institute in New York will speak during the evening. Eve Baron, David Burney, Eva Hanhardt, and Ronald and Yvette Shiffman will share their experiences and lead discussions on how to deepen trust and improve cooperation between citizens, non-profit organizations, and city governments, and how to strengthen education in this area.


The Hyperlocal lecture project builds on the experience of Yvette Vašourková, co-founder of CCEA MOBA, from her Fulbright postdoc program in New York at Pratt Instiute GCPE..
Ronald Shiffman is an urban planner and architect who has been involved in collective design practices since the 1960s. Yvette Shiffman focuses on affordable housing and solutions for homelessness. David Burney is an expert in implementing designs and served as the Commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction for NYC under Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Eve Baron is currently the chair of the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment at Pratt Institute and Eva Hanhardt is an expert on the context of social justice.


The lecture is being organized in cooperation with Centre for Central European Architecture CCEA, FaVU and FA VUT Brno, ARCHIP and IPR Praha

Partners:  Kancelář Kreativní Evropa, Foundation Via, Nadace Tipsport, Karel Komárek Family Foundation, mmcité

Project under the auspices of:
Ivan Bartoš, Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic for Digitalization and Minister of Regional Development
Embassy of the United States in the Czech Republic 
Petr Hlaváček, Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague

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